


In This page , I've mentioned some softwares I find useful ... I hope that they'd help you In your everyday-work .  But , In case you'd have better or some , not listed here , please write me .



Babylon Translator It's a quite useful and easy-to-use software ; It 's a translator from English to most of the popular languages(Dutch , French , German , Hebrew , Italian , Japanese , Spanish , Portuguese).  So , It's intended not to English speakers . You can download It , following the URL  . It's an 100 days evaluation version .
RealJukebox I believe that you've  already heard  about It . But let me  point out that It's really easy to use with playlist , MP3 encoder with possibility of correction etc  features ... It's a freeware .   System Requirements: Windows operating system and an Intel® Pentium® 200MHz MMX, Cyrix® 6x86MX PR233, or AMD® K5 PR-200.

I also wanted  to talk about Realplayer  but I think that It's no need to do so .


My cat


Copyright © 1999 Arcadius AHOUANSOU . Last update :  Saturday, January 01, 2000 01:41 PM